Affiliate Disclaimer
Hi, Jason here. In the interest of full transparency, I want to disclose that many of the links and products on this website are attached to affiliate programs, which means I may earn an affiliate commission if you click the links or buy the products. My first and biggest goal for this website is to help you understand the game industry so you can get a job and grow your career making video games, but please also understand that it’s a for-profit side business for me.
Examples of some of the affiliate links and products you might find on the site include (but are not limited to), QuinStreet, Bluehost, Indeed, and Jobs2Careers. For example: If you click on a link to one of the books on the Best Game Design Books page, and then you buy something from, then Amazon might pay me a commission on that sale (at no additional cost to you). Or if you search for a job using the video game job search page, Jobs2Careers might pay me a commission for your click.
Please note that I have not been given any free products, services or anything else by these companies in exchange for mentioning them on the site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions. I only recommend products that I personally have experience with, and I recommend them because I think they’ll help you – not because of the small commission I make if you buy something. Please don’t spend money on any product unless you also feel it will help you achieve your career goals.
If you have any questions about any of this, please let me know by sending an email via the “ask me anything” page.
Thank you, and I wish you the best of luck with your future career making games!
Jason W. Bay