Coding Boot Camps vs. CS Degrees

Since the dawn of the computer age, if you wanted to get a job programming, the best way has been to get a computer science (CS) degree. Because of this, universities and colleges that offer CS degrees have been the “gatekeepers” to the programming industry. Which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing — CS degrees certainly do teach you a lot about computer science and programming, and even give you some hands-on experience.
But a new option has more recently appeared, and for many people it’s a way to learn programming faster, and usually cheaper: online coding boot camps.
What are coding boot camps?
Coding boot camps are short, high-intensity online or in-person courses that will teach you programming skills fast. And for many people, that could be more than enough to start a programming career.
Compared to a traditional CS degree, boot camps are more flexible time-wise, and can be a more accessible alternative. The also focus on practical, hands-on experience to get you ready for your first job. That’s why they’re becoming a popular option for people who want to get into programming, but may not have the time or financial resources for a 4-year degree.
That said, there are also some drawbacks. Boot camps might not be for everyone. So let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of coding boot camps compared to a traditional computer science degree.
How much do coding boot camps cost?
While boot camps are usually less costly than a 4-year university degree, that doesn’t mean they come cheap. Online boot-camp style courses can run you anywhere from $500 to over $15,000.
The price of any given course is generally a factor of how long the course is, and the depth of learning you can expect to receive. Courses that are just a few online videos with coding exercises will of course cost less than multi-week programs with live instructors and capstone projects. Some courses also offer access to industry professionals who can answer your questions and offer coaching, which can be helpful but also drives up the cost.
What are the pros and cons of coding boot camps?
Coding boot camps have a lot going for them, so let’s start with the pros. Here are some reasons boot camps can be such a good fit for people just starting out, as well as busy professions looking to switch careers to programming.
Reasons to attend a coding boot camp:
- Much faster: Coding boot camps are a lot shorter than getting a computer science degree. Most last only a few months, and some are even just a few weeks.
- More focused: Boot camps have a smaller, tighter curriculum. That’s because they’re designed to teach you a handful of highly-targeted skill for working in a specific field, like game programming.
- Hands-on experience: Boot cams generally offer more “hands-on” projects, as opposed to teaching computer science theory and history. You can use those projects to build out your online programming portfolio, which will help you get a job later on.
Downsides of a coding boot camp:
- Limited scope: Since boot camps are short and have a limited curriculum, they often skip over the fundamentals. You might learn how to do things, but you definitely won’t learn computer science as thoroughly as you would in a CS degree program.
- Less attractive to employers: Most companies don’t consider boot camp graduates to be as skilled as CS graduates, and for good reason. Also, many programming job postings require a “bachelor’s degree or equivalent” — but not all companies consider boot camps to be equivalent to a degree.
What are the pros and cons of a computer science degree?
As a well-respected educational path, an official CS degree is the “gold standard” for a programming career path. Whether you’re looking to get into programming games or anything else, a CS degree is still considered by many to be the best way to start out. So we’ll look at the pros of a CS degree, but also examine the cons compared to the newer “boot camp” style programs.
Reasons to consider a CS degree:
- Broader education: With a CS degree, you’ll learn a lot more about computer science — things like algorithms, data structures, and software design. Topics that might not be taught in a boot camp.
- Broader employment options: Since a CS degree is a more thorough education compared to boot camps, you’re sure to finish with a wider skill set. That can open up more career opportunities, and maybe even a higher earning potential over time.
- Widely recognized: Employers around the world recognize and value a CS degree. It’s a deeper and more thorough education compared to boot camps — and hiring managers know it.
Drawbacks of a CS degree:
- Bigger time commitment: Getting a computer science degrees can take you four years (or more!) to finish. That means you’ll need to wait a lot longer before getting your first programming job.
- Way more expensive: Tuition for a CS degree is much higher than the cost of a boot camp. On average, CS degrees in the US cost well over $20,000. If you can’t pay outright, then you may need to get scholarships or student loans. And that can put you in debt right when you’re starting out your professional career.
How to decide between a boot camp or a CS degree?
Like most important life decisions, there’s no single “right answer” — and definitely no single answer that would apply for everyone. A lot of it depends on your personality, your current skills, your life stage, your finances, and more.
But it’s not an impossible decision. It’s just one that you should put extra though into, and try to be more methodical than usual. Consider each of these items, and think about how they apply to your situation.
What are your goals? Write out a list of your goals — what do you want to achieve, and what do you hope to get out of your education and your future career? Do you want to enter the job market as quickly as possible? Or would you like a more comprehensive education, with better long-term career opportunities?
What is your technical background? Evaluate your current knowledge and experience in programming and computer science. If you don’t have any experience at all, a CS degree might be a better option. If you do have some coding experience already, then a boot camp might be enough to fill any knowledge gaps.
How are your finances? How much time are you willing to commit, and what can you afford? Boot camps are usually shorter and less expensive than getting a degree. But the trade-off is that they probably won’t offer as deep of an education.
Have you done your research? There are a lot of CS programs, boot camps, and online learning options. Read about them online and request their course materials. Ask them to send you their “student outcome” information, which will have hard data on how many graduates actually find good jobs. Look for programs with a strong reputation, high job placement rates, and graduates who are successful in the field.
Have you talked to people in the field? If you can, it’s incredibly helpful to talk with professional game programmers to get their perspectives on CS vs. alternatives. Ask them what specific skills and knowledge are valued at their companies, and what they think could the best route for someone just starting out.
It might even be helpful to write out your answers to the above questions. Getting it down on paper (or computer) will help you think, and some of the decisions might become more clear.
Can I get a job after attending a coding boot camp?
The entire point of attending a boot camp is to learn valuable job skills and get hired, fast. But as with any education paths — including a computer science degree — there are no guarantees. Factors like the economy, the time of year, and the boom/bust cycle of many tech companies can be factors totally out of your control.
But there are many factors that are still in your hands. If you work hard and really apply yourself during your courses, then you’ll be more likely to absorb and understand the material, making you a more skilled developer. And if you focus on building a strong online portfolio, you’ll be much better positioned to stand out from the competition when you apply for jobs.
Also keep in mind that not all courses are created equal. Before you choose either a boot camp or a computer science degree, you should do some research up-front to see if program graduates are being hired in the industry. To find out, search the program’s web site for “outcomes.” A program’s outcomes data will tell you what percent of students complete the program, and what percent of students go on to get jobs in the industry.
Where can you find outcome data? Most colleges and universities are required to publish their outcomes on their pubic websites. For programs that don’t publish outcomes data, you can email or call them to request the information. If you encounter a program that doesn’t have outcome data or refuses to provide it to you, that could be a red flag.
For examples of outcome reports, check out the University of Washington’s outcomes page, or Devmountain boot camp’s outcomes page.
Boot camps for game programming
Now that you know a little more about boot camps, you might be wondering: Are there coding boot camps that will help me learn game programming?
The answer is yes! There are a few boot camps, like and Thinkful, that have an emphasis on game programming. Programs like those ones usually cover topics like game engines, game design, and graphics. Some even teach you introductory art and game design skills, that can be helpful for creating your own indie games, or working with professional artists at a game company.
There are even more sites online that don’t offer in-person “boot camp” style curriculum, but they do have high-quality learning programs for game development. Don’t overlook sites like Udemy and Coursera, which have been offering game-related courses for years now.
You should also take a look at the many coding boot camps that aren’t specifically about game programming, but they include enough game-related topics that you can learn the basics and start building your game portfolio.
Important note: Boot camps frequently change up their curriculum, so anything I recommend here could be out of date by the time you read this. So, use this list to kick off your search, but always double check the current curriculum before making any decisions.
- (— This well-reviewed online training site has courses covering most areas of game development, including programming languages, game programming, design, concept art, and 3D art. The program is designed for beginners, and walks you through hands-on experience using popular game dev tools like Blender, Git/GitHub, Unity 3D engine, and Unreal engine.
- Thinkful ( — One of their Software Engineering boot camps covers Game Development with Unity 3D game engine, and includes one-on-one coaching/mentoring with game industry professionals. They offer part-time or full-time courses, and flexible payment options.
- Udemy ( — Udemy offers a variety of online courses in game development, including game programming, design, visual effects, and computer graphics. The courses are self-paced and can be accessed anytime, so it’s a flexible option for learning at your own pace.
- Coursera ( — Coursera offers a large number of game programming courses, from the basics of programming (C++ and C#) all the way through data structures, algorithms, and capstone projects you can use in your game programming portfolio.
- Hack Reactor ( — Hack Reactor’s Full Stack Web Development program includes a section on game development, and their blog showcases several students who have gone on to become game developers.
- Ironhack ( — Ironhack’s Full Stack Web Development program includes a section on game programming, and offers hands-on experience building game-related projects. They also have scholarships for women and veterans, flexible attendance and payment options, and teach classes in four different languages.
Image: raeng/unsplash
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