Could Your Next Game Dev Job Be In a Foreign Country?

Video game development is a global industry, so if you’re searching for your next game development job (or your first!), the world is your oyster. It’s common for game devs to take a job in a different city, but have you ever considered trying an entirely different country?
There are many reasons to relocate to a new country, especially if you’ve got your eye on one of the global locations that are video game development hotbeds. But does the thought of a far-away land with a different language, culture, and climate sound a bit… well… crazy?
Rest assured that it’s not at all crazy. In fact, it might also be the most rewarding and educational experience of your life.
We spoke with two brave souls who made the leap: game designer Brad Lansford, and game programmer Steve Vallee. Let’s find out why they did it, and why you should do it too. Read more »