Video Game Programmer Salary for 2025

- Game Programmer salary: Overview
- Game Programmer salary: Factors
- Search for Game Programming jobs
- Game Programmer salary: Details
- Other factors that affect Programmer salary
- Demand for Game Programmers
- Should I become a Game Programmer?
When young people dream of making video games, they usually think of becoming a game designer. Learning how to be a video game programmer isn’t usually on their radar, because most people don’t really understand what a game developer does. In fact, game programming can seem like a black art that’s too technical (and nerdy?) for the average person to understand.
But the truth is that anyone can learn to be a game programmer. And there’s something else you might not know about game programming: Video game programmers have, on average, the highest salaries of any development job in the game industry.
Now do I have your attention…?
How much do video game programmers make? And how much could you make as a game programmer?