Video Game Tester Salary for 2025

Table of Contents
- Search for Game Tester jobs
- Game Tester salary: Overview
- Game Tester salary: Factors
- Game Tester salary: Details
- Other factors that affect Tester salary
- Demand for Game Testers
- Should I become a Game Tester?
When I was a kid, everybody dreamed of growing up to be an astronaut or firefighter, a ballerina or doctor. Things have really changed! Ask a modern kid what they want to become. Even the old standbys of “rock star” and “pro athlete” have been bumped off the wish list, replaced by something that once seemed out of reach: a job as a video game tester.
By now, most grown-ups know that getting a job as a video game tester doesn’t mean you sit around and play games. But it’s still a great way to break into the game industry. In fact, I’m the poster boy for starting as a tester. I began my career in quality assurance (another name for testing, or QA). Later I went on to become a designer and an engineer, and eventually a director in charge of multiple departments. I did go to school to learn programming, but only after I’d started my QA job.
After you’ve done your research on what a video game tester actually does, you may wonder about a more practical matter: What is an average video game tester salary?
Search for Game Tester Jobs
There are many testing jobs available, but they have different names depending on the state, country and game company. Try searching for job titles like “game qa tester,” “game tester,” or “game quality assurance.” Another common approach is to start as a tester in a non-game software company, and then move to games once you have experience on your resume.
Video Game Tester Salary: Overview
Not all game tester jobs are created equal. Unfortunately, many studios treat their QA department as second-class citizens – and pay them accordingly. At others, the testing and QA groups are treated better. They’re viewed as key partners in developing video games that are stable, bug free, and fun.
What I’ve observed is this: Studios that treat testers as a core part of the development team, also tend to have better pay. The studios that treat the testing group as a separate “service” group tend to pay less. They also use more contract and temporary testers. The turnover in their QA departments is higher as a result.
If you just want the high-level overview, here it is: Video game tester salaries start around USD $18,000 and top out around $55,000 annually for experienced lead testers. But it’s important to keep in mind that testing jobs at many companies are temporary positions. That means the company might not pay for the tester’s health insurance, applicable employment taxes and other benefits that are offered to permanent workers.
Game Tester Salary: Factors
Like most jobs, a video game tester’s salary will increase based on years of experience. That’s because experienced testers are faster at finding and reporting bugs, at a higher accuracy. They also develop strong instincts about game systems, engines and platforms. They can zero in on issues more effectively than testers that are just starting out.
One thing that’s important to keep in mind: Many studios consider game testing to be a “non-exempt” position. That means the testers aren’t on a salary like other members of the game development team. Instead, testers are paid hourly, and must be paid overtime as needed. It sounds great at first, because you could make a lot of extra money working overtime during crunches. But all overtime must be pre-approved by a manager. And since projects are usually on a tight budget, overtime is often denied. Instead, you work extra hard in your normal forty hours with no overtime. Not fun!
Another important factor is whether the position is full-time (“FTE”) or full-time temporary (“FTT”) employment. FTT workers generally aren’t given as many benefits as FTE positions. And they may not be allowed to participate in team bonus plans, and other valuable perks. When you’re comparing testing jobs at different companies, be sure you’re comparing apples to apples. Find out whether each is FTT or FTE. If you’re not sure, you can ask the studio’s recruiter or human resources person for a “total compensation statement.”
To learn exactly how to test games and get a job as a Game Tester, read my book Land a Job as a Video Game Tester. You’ll learn the basics of game testing, and walk through the process of applying, interviewing, and accepting game tester job offers. It has everything you need to get a job testing games.
Game Tester Salary: Details
Okay, let’s take a look at the numbers. These figures are drawn from three sources:, Game Developer Magazine’s annual salary survey, and my observations based on testers I’ve worked with over the years (plus my own experience as a tester).
Since many game testing jobs are paid hourly, let’s compare the wage vs. salary data.
Pay Type | Low | High |
Hourly | $8.00 per hour | $14.00 per hour |
Salary | $16,000 per year | $35,000 per year |
Note that salaried positions seem to pay more per year than hourly jobs. Another way to look at the numbers is by average salary per job role. These numbers from GDMag’s annual survey appear to be much higher than the wages posted on GlassDoor.
< 3 Years | 3 to 6 Years | 6+ Years |
Game Tester | ||
$38,000 | $41,000 | [No data] |
QA Lead (Lead Tester) | ||
[N/A] | $50,000 | $58,000 |
Note that game testers generally don’t become Lead Testers until they have a few years of experience. GDMag did not list an average salary for Testers with 6+ years’ experience.
Other Factors That Affect Video Game Tester Salary
The numbers above are averages from many hundreds of video game tester salaries, so they’re very generalized. In fact, several other factors can help testers rise above the averages.
- Company or studio size. Larger companies generally have bigger project budgets. That allows them to pay their testers more. For example, shows Big Fish Games may pay their hourly testers up to $16 per hour. That’s much higher than the industry average.
- Benefits. Some studios pay health, dental, vision and other benefits to their testers. Others don’t. These perks can add up to thousands of extra dollars each year. A “total compensation statement” will itemize the dollar value of any perks above and beyond base salary.
- Bonus pay. Some studios choose to include game testers in the company’s team or project bonus plans. When they do, a commercially-successful product could bonus as high as 40-50% extra income to a tester’s base pay.
Demand for Video Game Testers
The game industry is a cyclical business. Unfortunately, studios’ game testing departments are often hit the hardest during downward trends. The chart below illustrates the overall demand for video game testers, based on the number of job postings that include the term “video game” plus either “QA” or “tester.”
Note that this approach could give false positives. For example, a given job posting might actually be for a Gameplay Programmer, but would show up on this graph if it mentioned “work with video game testers to resolve bugs.” But that’s okay for our purposes. We’re interested in the trends, not absolute numbers.
This chart shows that demand for video game testers is dramatically cyclical. Even within the normal boom-and-bust cycles of the game industry, game testing can be an unstable job. Console release cycles, big industry events like GDC, and holiday release schedules can cause teams to load up with testers – only to let them go again after the big milestone is complete.
Luckily, there’s always another game being developed just around the corner. Many QA testers regularly move between studios, and there always seems to be enough work any time of the year. Even when there aren’t many testing jobs in the game industry, QA skills transfer well enough to work at other software companies.
Should I Become A Video Game Tester?
Tester salaries are certainly lower than most other jobs in the game industry. Testers usually don’t have a professional degree like the artists, designers, and programmers (although you can learn some of those skills on your own). But don’t let that put you off. Testing is a fun and rewarding job, and it’s full of awesome people.
And guess what? The “foot in the door” stories are true. I have many friends that started in QA and went on to become amazing designers, producers, programmers and artists. And I started my own career as a video game tester. It’s a great way to get started in games. Check out my book on game testing to get started for yourself.
Besides, how many jobs pay you to spend all day working with unreleased games, while you get industry experience or finish a degree? If you want to turn your love of games into a job, being a game tester is an incredibly worthwhile place to start building your career.
*Salary figures are in US dollars.
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Dear Jason W. Bay,
If you don’t mind can you please answer these questions?
1. Do i need to move to a certain location to be a video game tester?
2. How much do video game testers make for newbies and pros hourly?
3. Where would I find someone hiring for video game testers at?
4. Do I have to travel once in a while?
5. What high school classes or after school activates would be great for video game tester.
6. What does it take for a big company to look at a rookie video game tester?
Thank you for answering my questions please email me at cause no one I know can answer my questions
Wow Bryan, that’s a lot of questions! Either you’re very thorough, or you’re doing a report for school 😉
Let’s see if I can get you a few quick answers.
Q: Do I need to move to a certain location to be a video game tester?
A: Most game testing jobs are going to be near the larger game studios, in the larger cities. If you want to break into the game industry, you’ll eventually want to move to one of the major game development towns. For example Seattle, San Francisco, L.A., Austin, New York.
Q: How much do video game testers make for newbies and pros hourly?
A: The short answer? Between $8 and $14 per hour. For more detail, check out
Q: Where would I find someone hiring for video game testers at?
A: You could start by searching some of the major video game job at
Q: Do I have to travel once in a while?
A: Normally, testers don’t have to travel much. But it depends on what kind of company you’re working for. If you end up being a tester on a project that’s developed in a different town than where you’re testing it – for example if you’re working for a publisher in San Francisco but the developer is in Seattle – then you might need to travel occasionally.
Q: What high school classes or after school activities would be great for video game tester.
A: Can I assume that you already love to play games? If so, start paying attention to the bugs in each game. Learn how to “break” the game by doing things inside the game world that the designers didn’t expect you to do. Also, to be a good tester you need to be disciplined and focused. Pay attention in school and get good grades. It helps to be a good writer, so maybe take some writing classes.
Q: What does it take for a big company to look at a rookie video game tester?
A: They’re looking for people who are knowledgeable about games, who are hard-workers and detail-oriented, and who work well in a team.
I hope this is helpful. Game testing is a fun job and full of great people. And whether you stay in QA or move on to be a designer, producer, or something else, it’s a great place to launch your career in the game industry. Best of luck to you!
Thanks man, what i’m doing is a report for myself, because I don’t know much about video game testers and yes I love video games, but I’m not sure I want to work far from home. I just wish there was a video game job that would let me work from my current location. But thanks for the help man
do you have to have a high school diploma. i am doing video game classes in high school but it is nice to know will you be fired eventually.
I’m not sure what you mean about being fired, Jacab, but I can say that you should definitely get a high school diploma to work in games. And even consider getting a college degree or certificate.
Do you know what jobs in Seattle, Washington area such as Redmond, Lynwood, Bellevue, and what not have great game-testing jobs? Of which pay well off the start. I noticed you mentioned larger companies pay game-testers more, due to there high income. So do you know the major companies within the approximate regions I mentioned, that would pay well to start with (upon reading the skills I mention below)? I am probably lucky I initially live in Seattle. So hopefully there is a company that could hire a great article writer like me as well as game player/ reviewer, and pay a good amount for me to afford college and supplies. I could write an article on any game you threw at me, as long as its 3D and not 2D.
I always practice the hard stuff and let the easy stuff come to me naturally. If you can advise companies that may pay someone with a resume of my skills (being “writing, game-playing; video-games, card games, sports, board-games, reviewing, and acknowledging the details”) an amount of $15.00-$20.00 an hour. That would be awesome. Plus I am looking to do it part-time but full-time is optional if it makes more. Living in a big city like Seattle has given me much inspiration.
Thanks for all the help you have given us. Its been an honor to have read your article. You are very generous and I would waste my knowledge either. If I was as good as you. I would want to dedicate time to help others as well. We really appreciate all that you have done here!
Hi Branden, thank you for all the kind words. If you’re looking for a larger company to test for, then you could check out some jobs at Microsoft or at Nintendo. Both of them are in Redmond, and employ a large number of testers. Good luck!
I found your article to be extremely helpful. I am only 14, but I’ve been fascinated with video games ever since I was 5. I have beta tested multiple games, such as Star Wars: The Old Republic and Minecraft. I know it is very difficult, walking around in a game, trying to find a glitch or world error. I am willing to put that behind, though. Right now, I am working on a project for a future career, as I am in high school. You can probably guess what it is.
Hi Josh, thanks for stopping by. It’s really great that you’ve been beta testing games. It’s an excellent way to get an “inside look” at games as they’re being developed, and to learn how they evolve. I wish you the best of luck with your career in games – keep working hard toward your goals!
Thanks for the reply, and I certainly will.
oh, and btw, when did you write this article, so I can make a bibliography of it?
Josh, this post is from Aug 25, 2013. Have fun writing the report! 🙂
Hey man I was wondering in order to be a tester do you need to go to college. Also what kind of company would be good to work for
Hi Tristan! Those are good questions.
First of all, most companies do not require a college degree to be hired as a game tester. But if you do get a degree, then you have a much better chance of moving into higher-paying jobs in QA, or moving into other areas of game development like art, design or programming. To be honest, those other jobs almost always pay a lot more than a job as a tester. So if you want to have a *career* in the game industry and not just a *job* then it’s smart to get an education.
In fact, a lot of the testers I’ve known over the years were working as testers so they could pay their way through college. They would work part time while they went to school, or even full time while they took classes in the evenings. (Many colleges have “evening degree” programs for working professionals.) Then, after they got their degrees, they got a new job (sometimes at the same studio) doing what they went to school for – like art, programming or design. And you can bet they also got a healthy pay increase.
There’s also a job that you may not have heard of yet, called an “SDET.” That stands for “software development engineer in test.” It’s a cool job that’s basically a programmer that writes code that tests the games in an automated way. So it’s like a testing job, but the salary is much higher since it requires programming skills. A programming degree or some programming classes would be really helpful for landing a job as an SDET.
For your second question, what kind of company would be good to work for? That’s really up to you. What kinds of companies do you like? Which games and types of games are your favorites? Which companies are in cities that you think you’d like to live in?
A good set of rules to help with a decision might be:
1. Work at a company that makes games you’re interested in. You’ll be spending a lot of time testing their games. It will be more fun and engaging if you like what you’re working on. (You won’t always get to work on stuff you love to play, but do it whenever you can.)
2. Work at a company that’s big enough to have different career options for you. You probably won’t want to stay in the same job forever. Try to work at a company that has several teams and several products, so you can have a chance to move up or change jobs after a few years.
3. Work at a company that has friendly, fun, nice people working there. You may be working very long hours for days or weeks before each game release. It will be much more enjoyable if the people you’re working with aren’t jerks.
I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any more questions!
Thank you so much that really helped but I do have four more questions
1. How old do you have to be in order to be a QA
2. Would all the companies provide insurance
3. Would you get bonuses like for Christmas or other holidays if so how much.
4. Would you get vacations if so how long and will you be payed during vacations.
Most of these questions and answers are not specific to the video game industry, and are not specific to QA testers jobs. They would be similar for many jobs in many industries. But here are some quick, general answers:
1. Whatever the minimum working age is in your state/province.
2. No, not all companies provide insurance to QA testers. Many companies hire QA as “temporary” workers, and are not required to pay for their health benefits. If a tester is employed through a temporary staffing agency, the agency may pay health insurance. Otherwise you should buy private insurance for yourself.
3. That depends on the studio you work for. Some studios give bonuses, and some don’t. For companies that do give bonuses, it’s usually based on the success of a shipped product or it could be based off of the studio’s revenue for the past year. Bonuses are usually a percentage of your annual salary, anywhere from 5% on up.
4. If you’re hired as a full-time employee, you’ll normally start accruing paid vacation time right away. Temporary employees do not usually get paid vacation.
These are all very good questions – later on, I’ll try to work them into the article, or maybe write a new article!
can you do this job at home and at your own time??
Most testing jobs require you to go to an office and work with a testing team.
Cool thanks for all the help
No problem, Tristan. Good luck out there!
Is there a companie that mostly works on C.O.D
Hi Dylan, the main companies that do C.O.D. are Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and Sledgehammer. Good luck!
Hi, nice blog
Heh, thank you. See you around.
and also, is it easy being a video game tester/QA?
No, I wouldn’t say it’s easy. Most real jobs are not easy! You might not believe me right now, but take my word for it: You don’t want to get an “easy” job. You want a job that’s interesting, challenging, and fun. And I do think QA testing fits that description!
One last question. In the article above, it says that “The testers salary will INCREASE based on years of experience.”
Here’s my question… Experience in what? testing the games or video gaming itself?
Heh. It would be awesome if you got paid more based on your experience playing video games. Unfortunately for both of us, that’s not what I meant!
QA testing is just like any other job. The longer you do the job, the more you generally will get paid. The tester salary will increase based on years of on-the-job experience.
thank you, Jason. that’s all i needed to know. like bryan, im also doing a report
Awesome, great luck with your report, Cody. See you around!
Hey it’s me again and I got a question
– do the companies give you the game systems that you need to work with or do you need to buy them yourself
The game companies will provide the game systems. Often, you’ll be using a “dev kit” version of the game system, which is a specially-modded version that allows developers to debug their games as they create them. Only official game studios have access to dev kit hardware, so they will provide the kits to their employees.
My report is turning out pretty good. Almost done, but it still needs another half page, website to use to get my information from, and a title page
other than that, it’s turning out pretty good. have a good day and wish me luck for a decent grade.
I wish you luck for a decent grade! 🙂
Hey Jason,I’ve been looking into finding a job like this for quite a while. I’m taking some digital media and computer programming classes in high school that I thought might help me get a job as a QA. (My uncle lives in New York and works for Vicarious Visions and works with Activision as well and I haven’t talked to him about this). But I would like to find work in a game testing position of some form.
Is there any websites or places that I could look at for a position to work from home? I can’t move anywhere and I’m stuck in Utah so I’m not expecting much but any feedback would be greatly appreciated! 🙂
Hi Isaac, thanks for the question. I don’t personally have any experience with “work from home” testing companies, but I asked one of my friends who has run several QA groups over the years. He said he’s heard good things about uTest ( They provide a “crowdsourced” testing service, and he thins that many of their QA employees work from home.
As a side note, the programming courses you’re taking might someday help you transition into an SDET (software design engineer in test) job. Basically, SDETs code software that tests other software. SDET jobs are generally more stable and pay more than a standard testing job, so it’s a good career path to look into.
If you do look into uTest or if you find any other similar companies, please come back and let us know how it went. Good luck!
Where can i find you guys after i get out of high school and i want to become a video game tester! and what is your guys address and phone number.
Hi Raheem, you can search for jobs using our game job search page, or any website that has job listings such as
Hello Jason! I hope it’s not too late to ask questions, but I was wondering what type of experience you need to become a tester, I’m currently in my first year of college and want to someday transfer and work in the video game industry. I’m sorry if you answered this already I might’ve missed it!
1. I live in Southern Cali, where do I start? LA perhaps?
2. What experience is necessary to test video games?
3. Would certain certificates in college assist in my success in becoming a tester? And if so, which ones?
Thank you!
Hi Pamela! Those are good questions. QA testing is generally considered an entry-level position in the game industry. Most companies are looking for candidates who know a lot about games, for sure. But there are some other strengths that they’re also looking for in a QA testing candidate:
* Focus: You need to have a good attention span, and not get bored of a game even after you’ve been testing it for a loooooong time.
* Detail oriented: You need to be able to spot bugs, figure out how to make them happen predictably, and describe the precise steps to the development team to help them find and fix the bugs.
* Writing: You’ll be communicating with the dev team and other testers by email and through notes in the bug-tracking software, so you’ll want to be able to clearly communicate your thoughts in written form.
* Attitude: Companies look for testers who have a good attitude, are hard workers, and can be fun teammates – and avoid being overly negative/sarcastic/angry.
As far as college certificates? Some classes that could help you get a QA job might be: technical writing, computer programming (introduction), project management, possibly Microsoft Excel.
I hope that helps. Thanks for visiting!
How much money do you get a mounth for game testing my game glitches bad when I play black ops bots and zombies
Hi Jonathan, the salaries for a game tester are in the article above. Lots of commercial games ship with bad glitches (unfortunately!), so the better the testers, the better for all of us. 🙂
Hello Jason, could you answers some question for me? I was hoping to interview a current or former video game QA tester for a major high school project. From what I’ve read so far, the QA field isn’t looking like it is a full time career as it did to me before undergoing this assignment. It does seem to have good kick starter qualities for entering the video game industry however.
1. I’m a huge fan of gaming and the gaming industry, but I don’t play much more than first person shooters. Would that be a potential hamper on being hired as a QA Tester?
2. Do companies offer any training for QA testing or need any?
3. What did you enjoy most about working as a QA tester?
4. What did you dislike most about it?
5. Would earning a degree give you any bonus points through the hiring staffs eyes?
6. I am passionate in gaming to a degree that I enjoy learning about the innovations and detailed information, but am extremely picky in terms of what I buy and play. Could this pickiness on my part, make a job as a QA tester more difficult to enjoy.
7. How do you see QA testing changing in the near future, say next 5 years?
I’m fortunate enough to live close to Seattle. Even with this career path being a “short” drive away from big named game developers, I’m still uncertain that it would be a good career choice to make. Thank you in advance for any information you can provide me through answering these question.
Hi Raymond. Lots of good questions, it’s great that you’re thinking this through. It’s an important career decision. Here are my thoughts on your questions.
1. That depends on your attitude toward testing games you wouldn’t prefer to play. For example I don’t like to play games that are designed to teach math to grade school kids, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy testing those games. If you can find the fun and challenge in testing games you don’t like to play, then it will be fine. But if you don’t think you can enjoy testing games that you don’t play (imagine spending 3 months testing something like “Barbie’s Undersea Adventure 2”) then testing might not be for you.
2. Since QA is usually an entry-level position, they’ll usually train you on the job. You’ll be working for a QA Lead that will guide you along and teach you as you go.
3. When I was a QA tester, what I enjoyed the most was finding crazy, edge-case bugs – then figuring out how to reproduce them, and working with the dev team on a fix. The best feeling is when you start with a game level that’s kind of clunky and not very fun, and with your help the team makes it smooth, fun, and bug-free.
4. What did I dislike? Well, sometimes it can get really repetitious. Like when I was testing a racing simulator (“Williams F1 Team Driver”), and had to carefully drive around every single track, very slowly, looking for bugs in the way the car bumped into the railings. It took several days, and almost no brainpower. That was pretty mind-numbing.
5. Earning a degree would probably help you, but if you get a degree in something like programming or animation then you probably would want to get a job doing programming or animation instead of testing. If you really love testing, but also want to get a degree, then I’d recommend getting a programming degree and then going for a job as an SDET. (SDET in games is kind of a hybrid tester/programmer job.)
6. Similar to my answer in #1, your pickiness will become a problem if you just can’t find a way to enjoy testing games you don’t like to play. Think of it like a chef who only likes to eat pizza – he can still enjoy cooking hamburgers or tacos, even though he doesn’t like to eat those things. But if he only likes to COOK pizza, then he’ll have a hard time getting hired at most restaurants. (I hope Domino’s is hiring.)
7. How do I see QA changing? For one, there are a lot of people all over the world who want to get into video games, so lots of companies are starting to use outsourced workers to do their testing. That probably doesn’t mean that people in your country won’t be able to get hired, it just means that you’ll be working with others across the world. That has its own challenges like language barriers, having meetings very early or late because of different time zones, etc. But that could be fun, if you’re up for it!
Hi Jason I live in Sri lanka
I Love games since I was a kid and i really love to Get in to the Game industry I have played many games and i participate every Game Competitions and festivals in sri lanka But In my country people are not so Interested in a career in game industry but I am I want to be a game tester and study about game designing and programing…etc But There are no Game schools in Sri lanka or Someone to get help
Playing games is my life
Can you give me a Option? What should i do?
Hi Allan! You are not alone with this problem – there are people in many countries who want to make games, but there are no game schools and not much support for video game development as a career.
Most video game companies will hire a good programmer even if he doesn’t have experience making games. So, one option might be this: Go to school for general programming and software engineering (since you mentioned that want to learn programming). Try to focus on graphics, or real-time simulation if possible.
When you graduate, you can work as a programmer in Sri Lanka while you look for game programming jobs there or in a different country. If you’re willing to work abroad, you might not have to go as far as Europe or Australia – there are many video game companies in India if you wanted to stay closer to home.
Do you think that might work for you?
Thank you so much. First want to be a game tester and Learn about Programming and other things while working as a game tester.How much it will cost me to Study in a Game School in a foreign Country?
If i want to come to a country such as England or Australia to work in a game Company as a tester I will have to find someone to help me right?
*Can i work as a Game tester part time while studying in a game school
or will i have to work full time and study part time?
Hey Jason I have a few questions of my own.
1. I’m in 9th grade right now and I want to go in to testing and eventually designing video games, what classes should I take.
2. I’m making a video game right now but don’t know how to program, or code, any books or tips at learning.
3. I’m planning on making by own company/business, how would I get my company known.
That’s all I needed to know, thanks.
Hi Derek, thanks for the questions. Can I be honest with you? You’re getting way ahead of yourself!
Sure, maybe you’ll start a business one day. But any time and energy you spend thinking about that right now is not helpful. It’s only distracting you from what you should REALLY be doing: Learning the basics of how to make a video game.
Since you’re just starting out, you should take some classes in school to figure out which part of “making a game” you might enjoy and be good at. Take some art classes to see whether art might be your thing. And take some programming classes to see whether you like programming. There aren’t usually any game-design classes in high school, so you’ll just need to read some books and learn that part on your own for now. (Book recommendations are here.)
In short: Don’t think about your business, that comes much later. Concentrate on learning the basic skills like art, programming and/or design. Then try building a simple game like Asteroids using Adobe Flash, so you can try your art and programming skills on a real game.
Good luck, and have fun!
Hi Jason
It seems that the limit for a “game tester” is:
a) The rather low paycheck
b) The location
What would you suggest I should do in order to land some solid $$$? And do you think there should be more $$$ for the “unsung heroes”?
Also, would you suggest it as a viable legitimate career? I love games, but have little to make it into a legitimate moneymaking machine.
This is an interesting question. It’s true that Game Testers are paid less than most any other job in the game industry. I think that’s because there’s a lot of competition for the jobs, and the jobs often don’t require any special education or training.
I think most people start as game testers as a entry-level job. It lets them break into the industry and start learning about how games are made. Then after a year or two, they move into different jobs. Besides myself (I went from tester, to designer, to programmer and up), I’ve known producers, designers, artists and programmers – all of whom started as testers and moved up from there.
But I know a few people that stayed i the testing department and turned their testing jobs into careers. A couple of them have been testers for over 10 years. In each case, they became Lead Testers so that they could have more responsibility and make a better salary. (Although one of them recently became an associate producer, after spending over 10 years as a lead tester!)
Short answer: Most every other game job pays better than testing. It’s true. But testing is a great way to break into the industry, so it’s a good place to start. The best way to ‘skip’ a testing job is to learn a skill (possibly by getting a degree) that targets a different game job like art or programming. Then you can jump right into one of those jobs.
I hope that helps!
What time would a regular game tester go to work at?
What are the hours for a game tester for everyday?
Hi Steven. It’s a little different at each company, but generally testers start around 9am or 10am and work until 6 or 7. (That includes a 30- to 60-minute lunch break.)
A tester may work overtime whenever the game team is approaching a big deadline and is behind schedule, trying to catch up. When I was a tester, there were times when I worked 12 hours a day. But that’s only during “crunch time” when a game is about to ship – it’s not very often. And if it’s an hourly-wage job then you’d receive overtime pay, which can add up to a lot of extra money for your trouble.
Hey Jason ,
I recently got a job at Ubisoft India as a Game Tester but the wage is not very pleasing.
What i want to know is that if tomorrow I quit Ubisoft with 1.5 years experience and apply to a company in the Software Testing domain ,will my Ubisoft’s game testing experience count ??
Hi Rajeev. Yes, I think your 1.5 years of testing at Ubisoft will certainly help you. You’ve developed skills that will directly apply to other types of software testing jobs. (In many ways, testing games can be even more difficult than testing “business” software.) However, you don’t want to be without income between jobs, so be sure that you continue to work and get a wage from your current job until you line up your next job. I wish you the best of luck with your transition.
Hey Jason,
Thanks for your prompt reply ..
What i forgot to mention in earlier comment was that i have a Diploma in Software Testing and i also have an Computer Applications
I just recently finished my ISTQB Foundation Level Exam and got certified as a Software Tester ..So does all this mean that i still have a shot at a successful Software Testing Career in future ??
Nothing is 100% certain in life! But the software industry is growing all the time, and it all must be tested. You have experience and education – if you’re good at your job and you’re a good teammate, then I don’t think you’ll have any trouble finding success.
Great information. Any opportunities in Dallas Texas?
Hi Matt – there are several game studios in Dallas, and I would expect that some of them would have an on-site testing department. You should check out the list of Dallas studios at to start your search.
Hi jason, currently living in india but planning to move to usa after 2 years for a bachelors degree in computer science. can i work as a tester while studying at college? my fir 3 or 4 symester fee will be paid by my dad so i will just have to make my living. so is this job worthwhile and also i want to be a graphics programmer. I’m planning to move to isa at an age of 18 currently i m 16. i m learning java basics in my high school can i work as a tester while taking computer science classes i am planning to take computer science classes from anywhere near nyc, and do i need to learn c before my degree?
Hi Bunny – it’s possible that you could get a part-time game testing job while going to college, if not then you may still be able to get a (non-game) software testing job. Either one would help your future career as a game programmer because you’ll learn a lot about the software development process.
It’s great that you’re already taking Java classes, because that will help significantly when you get to college. You do not need to learn C before you start your degree, but if you want to start learning C on your own then it will make things easier once you get to school.
Thanks man but after completing my degree I want to work as a graphic programmer so how much salary will I get as a graphics programmer and can I live at my own with part time game testing with some shifts at McDonald’s without a family and my parents are going to pay my 1st 2 or 3 semesters fee that’s I guess is 10000 dollars per semesters and I m willing to move to any place after my degree you can also tell me about ssome more Good jobs with good money in video gaming I still have a couple of years I will move to USA after my high school so do I have a scope Of making a successful career in video gaming industry and I also came to know that most of the games use c++ not java so what advantage I get of learning java
And which job are you doing now
And which job are you doing now and since I do not live in US.A. can a person live comfortably with 100000$ without a family
With a $100,000 salary you could live extremely comfortably by yourself pretty much anywhere in the USA.
I agree! It’s a very large salary.
so i’ve been looking into a job in the games industry for a while now. and i have been playing video games for a good 8 years 😀
Anyway i wanted to ask from a professional point of view, realistically would i have a good chance advancing through QA to level Design / Programming if i have the following experience:
-As level in Computer science + programming
-a previous hobby in finding bugs in games(yes for the past few years i’ve actually enjoyed finding bugs and flaws in games 😀
– i’m currently a beta tester for The elder scrolls online
-a generic passion for games
Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Tom! It sounds like you could probably get a job as a QA tester, and if you continue to build your programming education/skills then I don’t see why you wouldn’t be a candidate for an entry-level game programming position. It sounds like you’re on the right track – keep working on it!
Hi Jason,
Having gone through all the Q&A’s that you have so patiently answered, I have a few queries of my own.
1. Is it possible to land a QA(Permanent or Temporary)Tester job in the U.S or any other country even though I am from a neutral place(India)? I do not possess any (QA)experience in the industry, but have a lot of passion for gaming which has won me a lot of accolades over the past few years.
2. How much difference does it make if you are aged 15 or 25? Do the companies look for younger people preferably or older people with a will to kick start their career in this industry?
3. You mentioned earlier that there are some developers/gaming companies in India. Apart from EA and Ubisoft, haven’t found that many. Any websites/portals that you can suggest me where I can find more of them?
4. And lastly, I do not have a technical background when it comes to academics but more like a management bachelors degree. Anyway that I can use this to my advantage, say, for example, better communication skills?
Thanks in advance 🙂
These are good questions. I think it may be difficult for you to get a job as a tester in the USA. This is because a company would need to sponsor you to work here, whereas there are many game testers that are USA natives that do not need sponsorship. It would be better if you can get some experience as a tester before you come to the USA, so that your experience outweighs the difficulty of sponsorship.
The good news is that it does not matter how old you are. Testers can be of any age. In fact, in the USA it is illegal to discriminate in any job based on the age of the applicant. (Companies are not allowed to inquire about your age in paperwork on in the interview.) Also, a technical background is not necessary for most game testing jobs.
I do not know of a good resource for Indian gaming companies. I have a friend in India who knows of such things, and I’m trying to talk him into writing an article about how to get a video game job in India. So check back in a few weeks to see if he has written it. 🙂
When did you write this?
Originally published 8/11/2013, but I update it regularly.
When did you write this???????????????
Hello I was just asking how and which website it would be best to become a tester since I live in hagetstown, MD at the moment. I don’t have a high school diploma but I intend to get it soon. I’ve been playing games since I was 5 yrs old living out in the country side. I’ve always admired how the story of each game and characters are in them. I truly do have a passion for them just have no idea where to truly start at, any advice will do me some good.
I don’t know which one would be the best – it just depends on which ones have job openings and would work with a remote employee. You’ll probably have to apply to several jobs, and each company will be different.
It’s good that you’re getting your high school diploma, because it will be difficult to get a job in games without it!
1. is there a website I can go to to look up game tester jobs? there any tester jobs that you can do from home?
3.I’m retired army that the disabled do you think there’s any companies that would work with me at game testing from home?
There are many websites that have game tester jobs, including and I’ve heard that there are work-from-home testing jobs, but I don’t know of any company that does work-from-home exclusively. You should try to get in touch with a recruiter at one or two testing companies such as UTest/Applause and see whether they have that sort of job available. Being a disabled vet won’t make a difference in whether they hire you, as long as you can do the work.
Hey Jason, I’m currently researching to find a testing job because i want to start a career in the game industry I currently graduated high school so that wont be a problem right?
Any tips to finding a job this fall or spring?
I’m not up on the job market for game testers right now, so I can’t answer your question. You may need to apply to several companies, but there should be jobs available – especially in the cities that have a lot of game studios, such as Seattle, San Francisco, or Austin.
Also i might add that several jobs i have encountered for jr qa tester say they highly prefer or require a bachelor’s degree. Any thoughts?
Most job descriptions will say that they want a Bachelor’s degree. But you should apply anyway, because they often (but not always) will hire people without a degree.
I may have a shot at this position. I have little to no experience however. But considering a career change as you said it is challenging, interesting and fun. I need that. My profession doesn’t allow me to “level up” and economy hurt me the most when I graduated. Please email me or let me know your opinion. I read about a company but the reviews say that qa tester have [ little to no future]. But I guess this would really be up to that person to advance meaning to learn more, read more, absorb more info, etc. The pay is quite low and no benefits. Others say they never got raise our benefits after few years…Thank you for any suggestions!
Hi Jonathan, if you don’t have any professional work experience in the game industry, then yes – applying for jobs as a game tester can be a good way to get your foot in the door. You’re correct that testers are generally paid less (because less experience is needed) and that often times there isn’t much room for long-term career advancement. A common approach is to get a job, and then learn a specific trade such as art, design or programming while you’re employed as a tester.
hello again, what kinds of courses would you recommend me taking if I am about to begin working? Is this a safe way to get my foot in the door? I do enjoy gaming and try to keep up with the new trends. I’m well out of college since 2007 with a master’s…But I think it’s unrelated to this industry…Thank you Jason.
There aren’t any specific college degrees for game testing, but I have seen some courses on that could be helpful. Also check out the video game tester faq article for more info.
Do you know if any companies would hire teenagers for game testing? My son is 15 and we are looking for interesting jobs he could do during the summer and around his school schedule during the year.
I think it might be hard to find a testing job for a 15-year-old, but you might search around for some “focus group” opportunities instead. Companies that run focus groups usually bring the testers in for a couple of hours to have them play the game and give their thoughts/opinions, and they often pay with gift cards or video game swag. So it could be a good way for your son to make some connections with people in the game industry.
Hello Jason,
I am Fourteen, I play videogames all the time.
I dream of being able to create my own video games.
I am taking necessary classes as a freshman to get to a college.
My mom wants me to take strength and conditioning.
I don’t, Do you have any ideas for a good way to convince her to let me take more useful classes that lead to this career?
im not begging for a counseling speech, just a word of advice.
i would be grateful for a response
Thank You.
Also, Jason would you recommend any places to find a game related job in Grain Valley, MO ?
I don’t know of any game studios in Grain Valley. When the time comes, you may need to move to a bigger city that has more game development jobs!
Hi Isaiah, I think it’s important to take a balanced approach to your course work, especially while you’re in high school. You should take classes like art and programming that can help you with your future career in games, but you should also take some strength and conditioning to strengthen your body as well as your mind. For example, I spend a lot of time programming and doing design but I also stay fit doing parkour 🙂
i am wondering what i takes to become a game tester. i do have a few questions that may help me decide if i would make it in the gaming industry.
1. how long are the hours?
2. is a bug/ glitch something that is not programmed to the game?
3. what is the skill set you need to be a good game tester?
Hi Heather, I can answer these questions for you.
1. The hours are normally 40 hours/week for a full-time job. Sometimes you may need to work more than 40 hours if the project is in “crunch” and trying to hit a deadline, but you’ll normally be paid extra for the overtime hours.
2. A bug/glitch is something that was programmed (or art-ed) into the game, but on accident and it doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to.
3. To be a good game tester you should have a good attention to detail, be a decent writer, and be a good communicator with other people on the team. That would be a good start.
Hi Jason,
That article was really amazing. I am a resident of India and I am 16. I am a great aspirant of playing video games and want to convert this love of mine into
my career. Can you suggest me some ways so that I may find some degrees for game testing in India itself and if not then what I need to do?Cheers!!!
Hi Purusharth, I can’t recommend any particular game schools and I’m especially unfamiliar with the options in India. You may find some hints in my article about video game careers in India.
Also if you can suggest me any good college for the attainment of diploma in USA
Thanks in advance
Sure – check out the article on top game schools, it also has some advice on how to evaluate schools.
Are there any other job opportunities in the industry apart from a tester. I am gaining knowledge about java. Will it help me with the career.
Also what are the difficulties that one experiences in the industry
Yes, there are many different jobs in the game industry. Check out the article on all the different video game careers, and see which one(s) appeal to you.
Quick question, it’s more b if a personal one, do you think that the video game industry is a good place to start for recent highschool grads? Or would you recommend something else, I have been a gamer my entire life and I always wanted to get into it, but I’m thinking about the future and I am imagining a career that will eventually turn cut throat like being a TV director or ceo. (I know big names) to put it more simply, do you think getting a job/career in gaming will stay as it is or will it fall to something else?
That’s an interesting question, Cameron. There are so many people who want to work in the game industry, that it will always be competitive to get a job. Also, the pay usually isn’t as high as other industries, even for programming jobs. But if you really love games and want to work with other people who love games, you should always be able to make a living with a game career.
I am working for a gaming company as a QA tester not a Dev tester but QA tester and I have to say it is really hard to really climb up the ladder. I have only been there for 4 months and I really do not see any opportunities, especially coming from someone who a bachelor’s degree in engineering and a certification in project management. I haven’t seen any opportunities for junior management position and I am really considering quitting. In your opinion how long does it take in average for people to go in dev ?
Hi Remi, it’s possible that the company you work for just doesn’t have many opportunities. Every company is different. Be sure that your managers know that you have a programming background and that you want to move up. Also, keep your eye on any job postings for higher-level jobs, and try to apply to them when you can. But if you haven’t been able to move up after a year or so, you might need to go to a different company that has more opportunity for you. Good luck!
Im think about becoming a video game tester um how much would I make a year with no college degree just a high school diploma
The salaries in the article don’t indicate college vs. non-college. In general, having a college degree can get you a higher starting salary, but once you have the job your raises will be based on your performance, whether you went to college or not.
Hey man just asking is there any testing jobs available in india
I’m not up to date on testing jobs in India, but I think there must be some in the big cities. Try checking, they may have listings of game companies in your area.
Hi I am a high school TAG recognized sophomore I have been working with robots, computer equipment and software of all sorts. I live in Osceola Iowa and am looking for a good hardware tester job do you know where would be a good place?
I don’t know which game or testing companies are near Osceola, but a Google search should get you started in the right direction. Try searching for “Iowa game tester jobs” or “Iowa game QA jobs.” (Did you know that Will Wright, the creator of the Sims and Spore games, also works with robots? You’re in good company!)
ive been playing video games sence i was 4 do u think if i get my HS deploma i wold have a good shot at landing a QA tester job afround wisconsin?!?
Hi David, you should be able to get a testing job with a HS diploma. But I don’t know much about the game industry in Wisconsin – if there aren’t any game studios or testing jobs in Wisconsin, you may need to move to a new city. It’s very common for people to move to a different city to get into the game industry.
i also have dyslexia would that prove a problem in the industry?
There are definitely people in the game industry that have dyslexia. Don’t let that stop you.
Hey Jason,
Heard you work at night till early morning. Sounds like a hard life. What was your schedule throughout the day?
Good question – it depends on the company and project. But yes, sometimes you can be asked to work late nights, especially if the project is way behind schedule. Most of my projects were doing okay so I worked normal hours. But there was one project where the dev team would work until 9 at night, and then after that they’d call in the QA team to test for a couple hours before they sent the build to the publisher.
But most of the time, you’ll be working normal hours unless the job specifically says it’s an evening job for example.
Sir, I’m currently my bachelor’s degree in computer application.I will be completing my graduationin June ,2015. I’m from Bangalore,INDIA.
My queries are:-
Q1. What is the detailed procedure for me to apply to become a video game tester.
Q2. Where should i apply for it?which website to be exact?
Hi Swadeep, applying for a game testing job is like any other job. You submit your application and resume, then hopefully they call you for one or more interviews, followed by (hopefully) a job offer.
You may find many video game jobs in India listed on That’s a good place to start.
Hi Jason,
I was thinking about getting a part time job as a game tester, working from my house and I have only a few questions after a few hours of research.
1. Since I am a High schooler and have no diploma yet, will it be hard for me to get a job as a game tester?
2. I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction of a good Game Tester website for people who want to test from their house, I do not want to run across a scam website, y’know? Haha.
3. Do I have to provide my own consoles/platforms to test a companies games?
4. If I work from home and am a high school student with no credit card or bank account, how would they send me money? Obviously not cash through the mail, haha. Would I be able to use a parent’s credit card to recieve pay? (With my parent’s consent of course.)
I think these are the only questions I have left, If I do get a job as a game tester it will be my first real job. (I.E receiving payment finally.) And I just wanted this to be my first step into the gaming industry, I’ve been playing video games since I was 2 and my uncle handed me a Sega Genesis controller and let me play “Sonic the Hedgehog 2” and I have been playing games for these past 16 years of my life. I thank you for all of your help, Jason.
Hi Aughtry, good questions. You might not like my answers though 😉
1. It may be hard to find a testing job that would’t interfere with your school work. But once you graduate, you should be able to find a full-time testing job.
2. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but “game testing from home” isn’t really a thing. There are some companies (for example, VMC) that you can sign up with to do a bit of from-home Beta testing, but as far as I know it’s not a full time “job” – just a couple hours a month if they even call you. Any other site that claims you can work as a full-time tester from home, is likely a scam. There are some very convincing scams out there – they show up on page 1 of Google searches, they have testimonial videos that seem legit, but they’re not. Never give any company money to apply or to sign up for a job.
3. If you get an actual job as a tester after you graduate, the company will provide everything you need at their offices. (Beta testing like at VMC would require you to have whatever specific system they want to test.)
4. Like I said, there really aren’t any work-from-home testing jobs. Companies want their testers to be at the offices. Sorry :/
Don’t let that get you down. I’d say, just focus on your grades and on graduating, then you can start looking for testing jobs next summer. Good luck!
I want to become a tester.
I live in south Africa, I have a sluggish computer, I can’t go far away from home.
I have been playing since i was 1 year old.
I have finished 34 games so far without cheating, I play on a pc.
Can I become one?
Hi Daryll, I just finished a book that should be exactly what you’re looking for. It walks you thorough the basics of game testing, and then how to find jobs, apply, and interview. I hope it’s helpful: Land a Job as a Video Game Tester. It’s targeted at USA testers, but most of the info should be universal.
Hi Jason,
I am a high school student looking for a job that can help me pay for uni, but im not sure where to start. I like the design of games, but im not sure what to choose. If you can give me some suggestions, that will be great! 🙂
Hi Tristan, it would be great to get a job as a tester, but the most important thing is to get good grades and finish uni. So any job you can get that pays the bills and gives you enough time/energy to study will be fine for now!
HeyJason, I hope I can still ask a question or two?
I came upon a lot of upsetting articles about the game testing jobs that are out there. Most of them state how bad people get treated for their work, show low respect and have their contracts terminated or not extended for unacceptable reasons.
How much of these negative sides of the business are true and can you give me a honest answer about the bad side of the life of a game tester and their companies?
Hi Ahkanu. With any job, there are good companies and bad companies, and there are good managers and bad managers. Game testing is no different. But I know many people who have made a career out of game testing (for example see this interview with a professional game tester), so it’s not all bad. There are many good companies out there.
Before you take any job, it’s a good idea to research the company. is a good site for finding company reviews. You could also contact a few people on LinkedIn that used to work at the company, and ask their opinions.
The last thing to keep in mind, is that when people get fired or laid off, they are upset – and many will turn to the Internet to complain. But the people that are happy in their jobs may not bother to go online and write a good review. So there are more bad reviews online than good reviews for some jobs, making it seem like things are worse than they are.
I hope that’s helpful!
Can you become a video game tester without any prior knowledge? Do I have to know how to describe, in technical terms, what is wrong with the game/coding?
I recently changed my major because I would like to become a VR game developer. But since I am starting fresh I have no prior knowledge. I was offered a job to test video games by a family friend.
Hi Snoh – You don’t need to know how to describe how to fix a bug, but you do need to be able to describe how to make the bug happen. This is called “reproducing the bug” and writing the “steps to reproduce” (or “repro steps”).
But it can be hard to get a testing job when you’re just starting out, so if you have a connection to a job then you should consider it. Before you do an interview you can read up on the game tester terminology and learn some of the basics, check out the resources at this article about game testing. Good luck!
How difficult is it to be a game tester from a newbies prospective?
Hi Layton, it’s not as difficult as some other game jobs like learning how to do game programming, but it will still take some effort on your part. Most of the time you can learn on the job once you know the basics.
hi Mr. Jason… i have several question.
– I don’t have any work experience, can i get job as game tester/QA?
– If i get a temporary job will they kick me after completion of job?
– What should i do to get a permanent job other then temporary job?
– How much i get paid as fresher?
Hi Vivek, yes it’s possible to get a testing job without any prior experience. I think my video game tester FAQ article should answer most of your questions, so please read that first.
I’m 23 yes old. I’m mentally not able to work a normal job due to my ADHD, but I know I’d love this job. I never get bored of video games an I’m pretty good on focusing on things I’m “interested” in. Plus I have depression issues but video games relax me. I almost got a diploma but was a half credit short, I’ve nvr had work experience, but I desperately want a job I’d enjoy. I’m always at home doing nothing but playing video games anyway. Do u think I’d be accepted if I applied? It’s either this, or try to be a caregiver 4 my bff. I want 2 help with expense so badly. We just lost my grandfather so we have alot less money now. I HAVE to get a job now. My grandma is stressing and needs me 2 get some sort of job.
Brittany, financial stability is usually the most important thing – it’s hard to think about anything else when finances are a struggle. It’s “nice” to get a job you really enjoy like game testing, but that could take some time unless you live in a city with a lot of testing jobs. In the meantime, one good path might be to get any job you can, and then finish that diploma!
Hey Jason. I’m trying to be a game designer but it’s hard being able to do it when I can’t go back to school because of my student loans /: you have any advice?
Hi David, you don’t necessarily have to go back to school, in the meantime you could put together a game design portfolio by making level mods, or small mobile games, etc. Check out the article on becoming a game designer, there are some tips for you.
Hi Saransh, this article on game testing should answer most of your questions. Good luck!
Hello Jason,
I am still in high school but currently am searching for what would interest me later on, I love video games but tend to play more on pc than console which leads me to my question : What do you test on? Does it depend with who your testing? Do you specialize in one gaming platform?
Good question, Alex. If you get a job as a tester, they will provide all of the hardware you need (PC, development kit, consoles or whatever) – you wouldn’t use your own. It’s possible to specialize, especially if you have a job as a compliance tester, but most testers can work on many different platforms as needed by their current project.
are there any studies I should aim for? Anything that would make the chances of me getting taken as a tester higher?
great article ….
i dont play games for fun as most of friends does ,its a passion for me..
i live in india and I find that its not very developed in producing and releaseing big games.. what should I do,, which degree or course should I do to start a carrier in gaming…read many of your previous comments you said ,”good to have a degree “ok but of what course in which subject….
It depends on what job you want to do. To be a game programmer, a computer science degree would be good. To be an artist, an art degree. The degree for a game designer can be many things, there’s more info on game designer requirements here.
what skill do you need to become a beta tester
You don’t need any special skills to be a Beta tester, you just need to sign up for the Beta test of some upcoming game that interests you and hope you get picked. Good luck!
This was a great article with a ton of helpful information. I would appreciate your opinion on some questions that I have about the industry.
Video games are a passion for me and I would love an opportunity to work anywhere within the industry. I am 25 years old and I have a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and I live in the Seattle area.
I wanted to know if there are any other jobs that you know of within the industry that might be a better fit based on these qualifications, or if testing would be the better option.
I didn’t go to school for anything related to computer programming or game design and I wanted to know if that would cause any problems with entering the video game industry.
Thank you,
Hi Brandon, since you have an Economics degree then you might want to investigate jobs like “Business Intelligence (BI) Analyst,” “Customer Insights Analyst,” or Product Manager at game studios that have persistent multiplayer games on any platform (including mobile). Those jobs require knowledge of statistics, economics and other areas that you likely have skill with from your degree.
I have multiple questions on QA testing because that’s something that I’ve wanted to pursue as a job ever since I played the Sega Genesis. So, I was wondering if you could email me so I could ask you these questions and get some extra help with becoming a QA tester or possibly something greater or if I could email you to ask these questions.
Thank You,
Hi Zeik, you can email me your questions using the “Contact” link at the bottom of the page, but most questions are already answered on this website – so be sure to do your part and read the articles.
Game Tester frequently-asked questions (FAQ)
Game Tester interview
Avoid game testing scams
How often do companies hire testers?
It depends on the company. Also some QA work is seasonal, companies will hire testers on contract near the end of a project and then downsize after the product ships.
Yay! I’m the first to post in 2016! That’s all…. Nice article, though!
Hello my name is Alexandra and my boyfriend is currently looking for information on QA jobs so he can pay for his Ged and so he can help with my college classes and we had a few questions.
1) What education level do you need to be a QA? (James has high experience with video games and programming and modding, but just never completed his diploma)
2) Do you know any testing jobs near Portland Oregon?
3) what is the likelihood of being able to test at home?
4) what is the chances of actually getting a job in the field of game testing?
5) how long do you need to play the game a day/ what is the max amount you can play a day
6) do you get off days?
7) is it semi-steady work (Can you keep getting QA jobs for a year or two steadily)
8) where would you apply to become a game tester?
9) is the average pay enough to pay for classes with?
Hi Alexandra, some of these questions are answered in the video game tester faq. Other than that, game testing jobs are just like any other job: You can find job postings online (see game job search page), or you can go to the website of game studios around Portland and apply from their websites. A partial list of Portland game studios is here. I wish you two the best of luck!
Hello Jason,
My name is William, I am 14 years old and I live in Brazil, I wonder if I can work as a QA and Character Animation in a single game developer, for example, work as Character Animation and as a QA in Bethesda… I Don’t know wich one of these two i want to work with and i have some knowledge in Character animation.
Sorry about my bad english
Thank you.
Hi William, the skills needed to be a Character Animator are quite different from the skills needed to be a QA Tester. You should choose whichever career path suits you best, but you should consider that character animators are generally paid more than QA testers and have more growth potential in their careers. These articles might be helpful for you: Character Animator | Video Game Artist Salary
Jason, Nice to meet you!
I would like to know if it´s too late for a person 30 years old to begin in this industry as a tester or QA. I suppose that the most companies look for young persons. On the other hand, I´m from South America, and we don´t have many companies that produce video games. So, I want to know if there are oportunities to be hired from American or European companies anyway.
Hi Lucas, there is no age limit for being a software tester. I agree that companies tend to expect younger people for entry-level game tester jobs, but that’s only because entry-level game tester salary may not be enough to support you if you have a family. But if the salary is okay for you then there are plenty of opportunities, you just need to start applying for jobs and interviewing. I wish you luck!
Hey Jason! It’s great to meet you. My 12 year old is interested in becoming a video game designer and has been for a while. What activities do you recommend he do to keep him motivated in this direction? Our local junior college offers summer camps for creating games, etc; however, he has not ever been to one. I want to point him in the right direction of doing something he loves.
Thank you!
Hi Stephanie! A summer camp would probably be good. If he’s self-motivated to experiment with game designing, he could also download a copy of Stencyl or Game Maker, which are two free tools for making 2D games (learn more about free 2D game tools here). You might even enjoy making a game with him! 🙂
Hi, I have always loved the gaming world and this has been probably my dream job for almost ten years. I’m 18, I took game design classes in highschool, but I don’t know how to really get in touch with anyone that might hire me… Any recommendations?
Hi Hunter, game design jobs are like any other job: employers post job openings online, and then you apply to them. But you’ll need to have some experience designing games, at least as a hobby. Here are a couple articles you might find helpful, Game Designer Requirements, and Game Designer Education Requirements.
My husband has an acting degree and also likes video games–have you heard of someone moving into voice acting after starting as a tester?
Hi Kristin, I haven’t heard of that career path specifically, but starting as a tester is a common way to break into the game industry. Note that most game voice actors work through SAG-AFTRA, so if your husband is already a member, SAG may have information or resources to help him find voice work.
Dear Jason
I recently applied for a position as a Linguistic Game Tester and I will have an interview with the company soon.
The thing is that I am in the process of changing careers (I used to work for the government). Since I am new in this path, I don´t know how much could be the salary for the position I applied.
Could you please help me out and give me some clues? I don´t want to be inappropriate if they ask me for my salary aspirations…. I really want to get that job…
Thank you so much.
Hi Catalina, congratulations on your interview! I get this question a lot, so I’ve answered it in a previous blog post: “What are your salary requirements?” The short answer is, you should research to find out the local market rate for that job in the city the company is in. If they ask you this question in the interview, you can avoid answering it by saying something like, “I’m looking to be paid a fair market rate for the value I’ll bring to your company in this role. Now isn’t the right time to negotiate, let’s talk money once we get to a job offer.” I wish you all the best with your interview!
Thank you so much!
Hello, im just wondering if you have to have any prior knowledge about video game testing going into the job or can you go in blind and they will train you.
Hi Mike, most testing jobs do not require testing knowledge/experience. But most job openings have several applicants (not just you!) so if you know more about testing than the other candidates, you’ll have a better chance of getting picked for the job. You can learn the basics by reading books and articles online.
hi jason, loved the article.
actually im trying to start a betatesting webpage to help developers and small companies find beta testers in mexico. but im having a lot of trouble finding resources or statistics of for example how many game developers or indie developers are in mexico.
maybe you know some place i can find that kind of data.
Hi Luis, I don’t know of a definitive source for that data, but you could piece together some estimates using a couple of resources. has a crowdsourced list of studios by country. And you could contact the Entertainment Software Association ( to see if they have any research.
Hi Jason!
First of all, congratulations on your work on this blog. I’ve been reading a few pages and found the content fantastic.
I have some knowledge in programming languages but I never got to graduate in university.
I recently started testing a game as an unpaid betatester for an independent developer friend from New Zealand. It turns out that I really liked the job, and the developer liked my work, I believe that I have a critical and detailed eye, I would only lack expertise and experience.
However, I am Brazilian, and there are very few Brazilian game studios.
Is it normal for game studios to hire game testers from outside the country? I mean, I don’t expect to be really hired as an employee, that would be impossible, but as a freelancer maybe. I know that there would be challenges about financial transaction, etc.
But, is that possible? Or do you think it’s not worth my investment in the area thinking to work abroad.
Hi Lucas, there actually are a lot of game studios in Brazil. There’s a list here at If you can find a job in Brazil, it would be a good way to get experience testing games on your resume/CV. That would help you in case you want to move to a different country in the future. You could also apply for remote testing jobs through a company such as UTest, although there’s no guarantee you’d be testing games, it would still add to your testing resume/CV. I wish you the best!
i really like gaming and i would like to be a game tester but i am thirteen so is being game tester worth it to be a game tester and would it help me later on in life.
Hi Noah! These are good questions, and are discussed in my article about how to become a game tester. Please give it a read, and let me know if you have other questions I can help you with.